Time for Leadership?
Is it your time to step up? Leadership is about time ....and making it work for you through your team. Are you experiencing the longest...

'Engage' - the New Buzz
Engagement is a pretty well-used buzzword these days. Here are two definitions attributed to 'engage': - participate or become involved...

Words Matter
Words come in books. Words come spoken. Words can be tactile, like brail. Words make our visions come alive. Words help us tell our...

Do You Know What Your Employees Need?
Gallup puts out a 12 Question Survey to determine what it means to have a great place to work, to understand what employees needs are &...

Start September Right
It's time to plan how you will get your teams focused for the sprint to the end of the year. The Art of Inspiring Conversation is an...

Reply All....not....
OK people, here is how it works. You do not need to reply all on every single email. Especially when an email is sent to a group and you...

Look in the Mirror
Is your leadership like this? Clear. Whole. Transparent. Let me use some other words. Authentic. True. Of yourself. Many leaders...

What Leadership Does Not Mean
Leadership does NOT equal Control Control does NOT equal Leadership Controlling your people is not what leadership is about - otherwise...