Start September Right

It's time to plan how you will get your teams focused for the sprint to the end of the year.
The Art of Inspiring Conversation is an interactive breakfast session I am hosting in Windsor, Ontario to showcase how to take business ideas and make them actionable, through your teams. It is one thing to have an idea, and quite another to act upon it.
And we all know that you can't go it alone (for most things), especially in business.
How you connect with the people around you - your team and even your customers, is really what matters to driving long lasting relationships that benefit both parties, as well as resulting in sales/new customers/new products and much more.
Here is the question:
Are you ready to commit to 2 hours of interactive discussion with other business leaders who are facing the same challenges you are in engaging their teams beyond the day-to-day, harnessing the energy and excitement of emerging leaders and of course, driving increase bottom-line results through innovative and collaborative action?
Ready to do this - get your ticket today & see you at the City Grill on Wednesday September 9, 2015